Læs om de forskellige insights:

Det vil fremgå, om oplægget er på dansk eller engelsk.

09.00 - PRE-INSIGHT- An exploration of the transformative role of biosolutions in the food system (på engelsk)ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ


Birgitte Haber Schou Borch, Global Business Unit Director, Food & Beverage, Novonesis

An exploration of the transformative role of biosolutions in the food system, zooming in on the innovative plant-based food agenda at Novonesis, a global biosolutions company formed through the merger of Chr. Hansen and Novozymes.

10.00 - Danskernes Madkultur (på dansk)




Judith Kyst, direktør for Madkulturen

Hvert år undersøger Madkulturen danskernes mad- og måltidsvaner, som giver et bredt indblik i, hvordan det aktuelt står til med danskernes madlavning, hvordan vi forholder os til vores råvarer og den grønne omstilling på tallerkenen, samt hvad måltidet og fællesskabet omkring maden egentlig betyder for os.

I oplægget kaster Judith Kyst lys over den danske madkultur anno 2025, hvor samfundskriserne længe har stået i kø, og hvor pris og sundhed i høj grad fylder i danskernes bevidsthed – måske på bekostning af klimahensyn.         

10.45 - Plant translational science in AEGIS – hunting ancient genome blueprints to improve modern crops (på engelsk)



Senior Scientist Christoph Dockter, Carlsberg Group

Christoph Dockter is the Head of Cereal Breeding & Trait Development at the Carlsberg Research Laboratory (CRL) leading a research group in the Raw Materials department. The overall focus of his research is discovery of important cereal breeding traits and understanding the genetics and biochemistry behind them. Christoph collaborates closely with both academia and breeders bridging fundamental research to potential applications. At CRL, he took part in establishing a novel droplet digital-PCR-based approach for fast discovery of pre-targeted genetic variants in large genomic populations allowing to significantly speed-up the development of new crop varieties. At AEGIS (Ancient Environmental Genomics Initiative for Sustainability), he is a PI in crop translational science and leading the Barley Plug-in with the overall goal on building a more sustainable and secure food production system while also preserving biodiversity in cropping systems under climate change.


11.30 - CO2-to-Food: Converting simple chemicals to feed the world (på engelsk)


Dr. Lisa Marie Schmitz, Team Leader Department of Geosciences, University Tübingen

Current agricultural food production is not sustainable and on the brink of collapsing. A two-stage bioprocess converting CO2 with renewable electric power to microbial biomass offers a solution to food scarcity and micronutrient deficiencies.


12.15 - Øget dataudnyttelse i værdikæden (på dansk)


Christian Feder, Head of Agro, KMC, og Mette Kramer Langgaard, specialkonsulent, SEGES Innovation vil præsentere løsningen og fortælle om de forskellige perspektiver.

At dele data i værdikæden bliver et afgørende parameter fremadrettet i forhold til sporbarhed og dokumentation af klimaaftryk.
SEGES Innovation og KMC har i et tæt samarbejde bygget en løsning (TraceIT), som på baggrund af store datamængder fra primærproduktionen er i stand til at give adgang til klimaaftryk, oprindelse, kvalitet, bæredygtighed, forbrug af hjælpestoffer m.v. på den enkelte kartoffelmark. 
KMC kan således nemt modtage, opbevare og tilgå data fra sine leverandører samt videresende dokumentation til tredjepart.


13.00 - How Can the Food & Beverages industry Support Anti-Obesity Medication Consumers (på engelsk)


Sonia Huppert, Global Innovation Marketing Leader for RE-IMAGINE WELLNESS® at IFF

Discover how new weight management medications like GLP-1 are revolutionizing consumer eating behaviors and reshaping the food & beverage industry. Unveil IFF's cutting-edge, AI-driven concepts, crafted from deep consumer insights and expert nutritionist guidance, offering new opportunities for growth in the F&B sector.

13.45 - Food for thought: food literacy for better health of people and planet (på engelsk)

Dr. Kristine Sørensen, Global Health Literacy Academy

In a world where food choices impact not just our bodies but also the planet, food literacy is more essential than ever. Food literacy empowers individuals with the knowledge and skills to make informed, sustainable, and health-conscious food choices. By understanding where our food comes from, how it’s produced, and its effects on our well-being and the environment, we can drive change at every meal. However, individual action can't stand alone. For large-scale change to happen, systemic impact is needed. A call to action is shared with governments, industry and civic society playing a crucial role in the facilitation of food literacy for better health outcomes. 

14.30 - The green transition of the food sector – a question of trust (på engelsk)ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ

Professor Klaus Grunert, MAPP Centre Aarhus University

A lack of consumer trust in food chain actors is a key barrier for the green transition. Consumers need to trust the information they receive and have cofidence in the products that are placed on the market. How can producers and authorities build this trust?

15.15 - AFTER-INSIGHT - Innovation: Begynd med, det der virkelig irriterer dine kunder (på dansk)

Michael Lindberg, Direktør Lindberg International & ekstern lektor på Århus Universitet BSS

En undersøgelse blandt 2.540 nordeuropæiske forbrugere viser meget detaljeret kundernes største problemer, frustrationer og udfordringer – og dermed de største muligheder for succesfuld innovation for fødevarebranchen. Forbered dig på at blive overrasket!